Hari isnin ni,aku ade debate.Motion debate tu, husband and wife should not share their income..and dalam debate tu nanti, team aku acts as the opposition side. so, kitorang tak setuju suami isteri kongsi income.ha.. sebenarnye aku agak blank nak pikir point as a first speaker untuk opposition side.Antare yang aku mampu pikir :
- Income is the reward for our own hardwork. Only the person who earn the money should utilize his or her income. So, mane boleh kongsi.
- Bile husband and wife share income, nanti ade pulak unsur2 tak fair. Kalau one of them gaji lebih tinggi tapi si gaji yang rendah tu, use the income more than the one who contribute more toward the income, macam mane?
- Sepatutnyer, nafkah anak2 and isteri terletak di bahu suami. So, tak timbul isu nak berkongsi income. Duit suami, duit isteri jugak, duit isteri, duit isteri la kan. haha. Tapi tak salah kalau tak cukup duit, isteri tolong support suami pakai duit die. Tapi just, suami tu mintak je la there is no need to share...
- Kite tak boleh predict, mane la tau husband or wife tu curang..Die pergi gunekan duit untuk perempuan or lelaki lain..ha..bahaye tu..hahaha
kebiasaannya, suami isteri x perlu nak kongsi income, tapi boleh bahagi2kan tanggungjawab, macam isteri bayar untuk keperluan dapur,kabinet, dan suami untuk bil elektrik, api dan pengangkutan. baru la teguh ikatan perkahwinan mlalui permuafakatan.
sokong dengan harith... 100%
aku xsetuju lau husband wife kna share duit bcoz duit husband duit aku...n duit aku tetap menjadi duit aku slamanyer..heheheheh..kejam ark..
Should not share bcoz..working wife actually lg penat dr suami...lps office hour, die kene wat kerja rmh n layan, jaga mkn minum suami n anak2...lbh2 lg tuk sape yg xde maid..so, wife should enjoy some of her salary for herself...for example, buy make-up stuff, shopping , pergi spa or travel mane2 n etc2...susahlah tuk spend benda2 ni kalo share income ngan suami...lgpun, nilah sebabnye kebanyakan perempuan nk keje walaupun suami diorg dh cukup mampu nk sara family...to enjoy their own salary....
komen harith tu betul.
alah haajar..perempuan la yang suke cakap macam tu..haha
mai,best kot poin ko.thanks..huhu
sharing the income will provide a bad catastrophy and a foul consequences affected to the individual who contributing more income towards the sharing activities and vice versa.when there's a such an unjust situation,the person who USE more than what he/she contribute will be more depending towards the income and there will be a diabolical bad intention and attitude changes behind the scene that i will describe next.he or she will feel,'why do i need to work harder when i can earn more through other people effort'.and the same goes to the latter.'why do i need to work harder when other enjoys it!'.yeah.someone will view their perspectives that when we are married,our mind is being set to accept such a 'give and take' to ensure the happiness in the family atmosphere itself like what we are discussing right now.but we are all human.we are now talking about money.everything can change due to it.can someone be assure that money isn't everything?family bond is stronger than the green bucks?how much do you know about your partner and are you sure that he/she showed all of his/her true colours?nah.the best way to prevent such a disintegration in a family is to keep way out of the idea and also possibly try to not discuss about the money and the financial thingy among the family because no one knows how bizarre it can be.just discuss it in a mean time when it is really critical.i am not talking about facts here but what i try to promulgate is something pertaining to a general common sense i.e the person change his/here attitude from good to bad(from a hardworker to a lazy brats).this will also turn to be a waste to our society to own a employee that had flip hardworking tables out of his mind eventhough he have an ability to be a big giver due to this family matters.this is just my two cents thought.that's all.thank you.
pergh lego...
ko punyer pemikiran yang berharge 2 sen tu memang mantap la weyh..
macam ni la adik angkat aku.haha(actually geli sial aku nak cakap macam nih!!hahaha)
syabas kepada diri sendiri
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